Аkvatoni Ltd is created in 2003 as a private limited liability company. It is managed and owned by Toncho Tonchev. Headquarter, main office and manufacturing facilities of the Company are located in Yambol, Bulgaria.

Our vision statement

We pledge on quality and innovations, high professional competence and development as well as responsible and loyal attitude to all customers, partners and employees.

Our mission statement

Our commitment is satisfaction of individual needs and requirements of each partner.

Our core values

Health and safety at work are our paramount priority – safety can never be compromised.
Environmental responsibility – the purity of the environment and its prevention of contamination with construction, chemical and other waste is our main duty and responsibility.
We are seeking for new practices in the production field, a new professional and technical solution.
Individual responsibility and organization: microclimate and organization of workflow enables every employee to be the most efficient and responsible during performance of their daily duties.
Respect and dignity of each of our employees is our primary responsibility – we work together and make decisions of mutual interest.

We offer a wide range of activities, services and products:

  • Construction of outdoor WSS
  • Construction of indoor WSS
  • Construction of infrastructure WSS
  • Insulation of equipment with РЕ, РVС, РР, GRP, PVDF
  • Construction of firefighting installations and sprinkler systems
  • РЕ, РVС, РР, PP-GRP, GRP, PVDF, PVDF-GRP Gas Ducts and pipelines
  • Insulation of equipment with РЕ, РVС, РР, GRP, PVDF
  • Construction of FGD Plants
  • РЕ, РVС, РР, PP-GRP, GRP, PVDF, PVDF-GRP Gas Ducts and pipelines
  • Manufacturing of metal structures and pipelines